Hello, SubscriptionBoxExpert here with a quick note on disclosures.
Affiliate Marketing Disclosure
The SubscriptionBoxExpert blog uses affiliate and referral links. If you click on the links and resources listed on my website and end up purchasing a service or product, please be aware that in some cases, it may result in a referral commission for SubscriptionBoxExpert. There is no extra charge to you.
Purchasing through these links basically supports me in maintaining this website and continuing to provide you with free information. Having said that, the compensation received via any form of advertising will never influence the direction of my content, topics, or posts.
SubscriptionBoxExpert will never accept payment in exchange for a falsely glowing review. All recommended and linked products are ones that I am personally satisfied with, truly love, and would recommend to others. I will only endorse products or services that I believe are worthy of such endorsement.
Any product claim, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider.
If I’ve received a complimentary product in exchange for an honest review, I will disclose this in the review post. Again, I want to note that the compensation received will never influence the content, topics, or posts on this blog. You can rest assured my product reviews will still remain unbiased and honest.
We participate in several affiliate programs including the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to allow affiliates to earn small commission fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Thank you so much for visiting my website. If you have any questions about the above disclaimers or would like to contact me for any reason, please email me at elle@subscriptionboxexpert.com.